Our technology
Impossible Plastics Recycling Process Technology uses a series of thermal and mechanical operations to turn mixed plastic waste into high-value, ecological plastic and composite products.
In addition to plastic waste, a portion of the raw material can be wood, paper and board fibres as well as various mineral, textile, glass and carbon fibres and different polymers.
The main advantage of our technology is that it allows content variations and impurities in the raw material, which makes sorting and pre-treatment easier.
It also enables the recycling of plastics that are hard or impossible to recycle using other technologies. For example, there is no need to sort different plastic grades separately from each other.
For every tonne of waste processed, we produce one tonne of ecological plastic or composite products and reduce 3 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
This is how we do it

The 1st phase:
Crushing Section
Crushing, grinding and pre-treatment of waste materials.

The 2nd phase:
Compounding Section
Composite material manufacturing: This is where we make the desired material mix based on the waste streams and the desired end product.

The 3rd phase:
Forming Section
End product forming: This consists of several phases, and the result is a ready, finished product for the markets.